Inner Dominatrix

Let Me Tell You A Story



Today Dana lets us in on a big secret: Big Brands are spending billions redirecting their ad campaigns into storytelling marketing. Why? Because our brains are actually hard-wired with the need to tell and hear stories. Which is good, because storytelling marketing cuts through the noisy, sophisticated, jaded markets we deal with today.  So, let me tell you a story: Once upon a time there was a marketing genius named Kylie Slavik. But, wait, she didn’t start out as a marketing genius, of course. She started, like many people, as an “alienated artist”: doing three minute improvisational slam poetry gigs, feeling like she was “preaching to the choir” and wondering where the money was going to come from. Her “AHA!” moment came at the hands of a stern nudge from a Cherokee Medicine woman, who enabled her to embrace her talent for story and transition it into a brilliant career in marketing.  Kylie’s story show