Inner Dominatrix

Opinions Don't Matter with Marc Mawhinney



Marc Mawhinney is a business coach who specializes in helping other coaches find more clients and improve their business overall. Marc also has a background in real estate , where he learned a ton of skills he uses today. A gifted networker, and all around fun guy to talk to, Marc also hosts the Natural Born Coaches Podcast. Summary: Marc talks about a time in his life when all was going extremely well, and what he had to face when things started to crash. Dana and Marc get into why he's been drawn to books with harder messages and more hard hitting, cynical perspectives. Marc tells Dana about his Christmas Day email that offended some of his subscribers. Dana and Marc discuss Social Media and how caught up people are in worrying about small things. Marc talks about the importance of being yourself and his views on authenticity. Marc highlights some of the drawbacks of perfectionism Dana and Marc get into some of their favorite pop culture coaching moments. Marc shares his insights surrounding consistency