Women Seeking Wholeness

096: Astrological Forecast for the Rest of 2020



We can all agree this has been an intense year and much of it is displayed in constellations and planetary alignment. It seems from the popularity of episode 087, a lot of you are super fascinated, like I am, with the stars and heavenly bodies!  According to Tara Jade Nichols – evolutionary astrologer – we have some interesting things on the horizon as 2020 comes to a close (end of Nov through end of Dec).  More and more will awaken as old forms and structures break down… Your 3 “rites of passage” at ages 29, 42 and 50 It was the Piscean age for 2000 years and we entered the age of Aquarius in 2012. What is the significance of this? What are the 8 most potent, powerful days of the year, astrologically speaking? Find Tara: www.tarajadenichols.com GRAB my (Cherie’s) FREE HEALING KIT: https://www.standspeakshine.com/healingkit