Versus Trump

Versus DeVos 2.0



This week on Versus Trump, Jason discusses the continuing illegal intransigence of the Department of Education, with Eileen Connor and Toby Merrill of Harvard's Project on Predatory Student Lending. Eileen and Toby explain how many students have a right to have their student loans cancelled because the for-profit schools they attended were fraudulent—but the Department of Education has illegally refused to process their cancellation applications for the entire duration of the Trump Administration. Eileen and Toby detail the continuing evasive tactics of the Department and its lawyers, and they mention an upcoming hearing over the Department's failure to comply with a court order that it stop collecting on illegal loans. We might hear more about that on Uncle Charlie's sanctions corner!You can find us at @VersusTrumpPod on twitter, or send us an email at You can buy t-shirts and other goods with our super-cool logo here. Notes