Versus Trump

An Immigration Omnibus



This week, Easha, Charlie, and Jason discuss recent important cases in the world of immigration, including a new lawsuit contending that the Trump Administration may not pursue its apparent policy of legally separating immigrant children from adults that they enter the country with. They start the discussion by detailing a new case filed by the ACLU called Mrs. L. v. ICE. The case, filed in San Diego, contends that the Trump Administration's apparent policy of separating families who present themselves together at border checkpoints is illegal beacuse it violates parents' due process rights and is arbitary and capricious. They discuss both theories, including the tricky question of who may assert so-called "substantive due process" rights and, if anyone can asset them here, what those rights are. They then move on to another under-the-radar development in the world of immigration law, which is Jeff Sessions' frequent referral of cases to himself. In one recent referral, he virtually e