Versus Trump

Versus Trump Quick Hits



On this week’s episode of Versus Trump, we bring you a quick-hitting episode with multiple Trump Nuggets. Jason starts off by providing an update on news about Versus Trump’s favorite unqualified agricultural advisor to President Trump, Sam Clovis, a non-scientist who has been nominated to be "chief scientist" of the Agriculture Department.Easha [at 7:50] then discusses a new lawsuit called Wheeler v. Fox News, which alleges that Fox News collaborated with the White House to push a false story that the murder of DNC staffer Seth Rich was somehow related to Rich’s alleged contact with WikiLeaks. She also corrects one aspect of our earlier discussion of another case, Cockrum v. Trump Campaign.Charlie concludes the episode [at 16:45] by discussing a potential grammatical mistake that could change the meaning of a proposed bill that is intended to provide additional protection for Robert Mueller, the special counsel investigating the links between the Trump Campaign and the Russian government. Please share or pro