Stay Grounded With Raj Jana

131. Nataly Kogan: Why Practicing Self-Compassion In Crisis Is So Important



“Nobody wants your perfect, everyone just wants your human.” This episode’s guest is no stranger to the Stay Grounded Podcast. Nataly Kogan was one of our very first guests when we launched back in 2017. Nataly’s ‘Happier’ message was powerful back then, but it feels even more potent now - thanks to the new normal we’re navigating ourselves through.This current climate is bringing out the worst - and the best in us. Lockdown and all its associated uncertainties has pulled out the rug in so many areas of our lives. Trying to make sense of it all is tough and new emotions, fears, and experiences are constantly bubbling up. Nataly’s message of self-compassion is vital under these pressures. With the stresses we face right now, mistakes are inevitable. We’re going to get triggered and frustrated and that’s OK because as Nataly reminds us we’re all human and perfection is inauthentic. And amongst it all, self-compassion is the gateway to freedom, happiness, and joy. “Be a kind observer instead