
#0761: AI: Valeriya Naumova: Bridging the gap



In this episode of #LØRN Silvija talks to Director, Simula Consulting and Senior Researcher in Simula Research Laboratory, Valeriya Naumova. The Simula Consulting’s mission is to constantly redefine what’s possible through digitalization and bridging the gap between academic discoveries and real-world challenges. Because a lot can be done with the technology we have today.   — I personally learned a lot as we had to work in interdisciplinary teams from epidemiologists to software and app developers, lawyers and risk analysts. Understanding on how to combine all pieces in one sustainable and reliable mass-product has been very challenging but also extremely rewarding, she explains in the episode.  You will learn about:  Machine learning Research and academia  The Smittestopp project Innovate at a fast pace  Recommended literature:  I like reading Medium about latest advances in AI/ML in layman’s terms, leadership, etc. For lat