Courageous Fit Female With Jaclyn Castro

58: What if Jesus was Coming to Town? What Would His Hotel Look Like?



When you receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior your body becomes His temple. Yes, your body is where He dwells which means we gotta fix up the inside of us if we want to honor Him. From head to toe it all belongs to the Lord and if you’re like the rest of us who needs to fix His temple up you know that the only way to fix our insides is through scripture and by being a doer of it. Ladies, if Jesus was coming to town what would His “hotel” (aka your physical body, mind, and heart) look like? What would you do or need to do to prepare for His arrival? In today’s episode, I speak to all you Christian females who want to honor the Lord with their whole body by having you do an evaluation of the Lord’s temple (your entire body!) if it needs work, is mediocre, or excellent in His sight. Thank goodness that God could care less about what we look like on the outside, right!? That means that what we have to work on is the inside. And when we do that His Name is honored. I pray you are blessed by this episode. Share, c