Courageous Fit Female With Jaclyn Castro

57: 3 Easy Ways to Incorporate More Movement into Your Every Day



Incorporating movement into your every day activities is simple. That’s what we talk about in this episode. When you don’t move even in just a LITTLE way you start to lean towards laziness and the mindset of self instead of serving others and serving God. Starting small to build up the habit of movement and to get the endorphins going is the way to go. If you want to start moving again because you’ve been putting it off then this episode is for you. You gotta start somewhere and I tell you how. You’ll see that as soon as you add movement into your every day you will get the endorphins pumping and start to feel the difference. You’ll start to feel better and then you’ll want to treat your body according to the way God made it - as His temple.  Is food mastering your life? Jump into my 1-1 coaching program where we focus on an individualized strategy just for you ($97).  Want to go all in with me as your Spiritual Fitness Coach? Then, upgrade to my 6-week implementation coaching program for $297 for the rest of