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Publishing a Book with Seth Berkman, author of ‘A Team of Their Own’



Career: Author & Sports Journalist Seth’s Personal Mantra: “Stay Winning” This week Seth Berkman joins Jaeki and Jojo to talk about his latest book “A Team of Their Own: How an International Sisterhood Made Olympic History”. The book provides an inside look into the South Korean Women’s Hockey team as they prepared for the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang and the last minute unification with the North Korean Women's hockey team. Since its release in October of 2019, it has been named by ESPN Undefeated's 25 Can't Miss Books of 2019 and featured in the New York Times year-end holiday book review. This true story is about sisterhood, national identity, and culture as South Korean players welcomed Korean adoptees from North America and North Korea players to share a moment in history. In our conversation, Seth also gives us insight into the world of publishing a book. How do you find a publisher, how do book advances really work, how do you connect with subjects, and most importantly how do you turn your