Primal Diet – Modern Health

5 Tips For Choosing Safer Sunscreen



Choosing safer sunscreen? Avoid synthetic chemicals that absorb through the skin, get correct protection, and soak up some Vitamin D while you're at it. Here's how, including numerous links at the bottom of the page... Five types of sunscreens 1). Organic Filters: synthetic chemical combos that absorb sun's radiation, preventing it from entering the skin. Here's a case where the word "organic" is bad. 2). Traditional Mineral Sunscreens reflect damaging rays. Most include zinc oxide or titanium oxide. They appear white on the skin since they reflect light. 3). Nano-Mineral sunscreens have tiny nano-particles of zinc and titanium oxide. Their safety is questioned as they may penetrate the skin, but they're still safer than organic filters. 4). Clothes and shade work well! 5). Healthy skin burns less. The Paleo Diet may change your tanning future. Sunscreen ingredients to avoid Oxybenzone is common in commercial sunscreens. Linked to elevated estrogen, endometriosis and allergic reactions.  Retinyl Palmitate is