The Tai Lopez Show

Stand Up Speak Up: Episode 50: The Pain of Perfection



Published on 17 May 2018. Recently we’ve featured addiction stories of people who had clear trauma growing up that contributed to the path they took in life. However, these things can happen to anyone.    Danielle McCarron is a recovery advocate, working to shift the stigma of addiction. She had what appeared to be the perfect life. A good home, good parents, good looks, and she was smart.   As some teenagers do, Danielle began experimenting with alcohol in her teenage years. By the time university rolled around, her drinking habits slowly transitioned from normal partying to drinking everyday.    Eventually, it got to the point where, after being hospitalized for over-consumption, Danielle would purchase more alcohol on the way home after release.    Today we’ll learn about her experience with alcoholism and recovery, and learn an important lesson - that you can’t force an addict to stop - you have to wait for them to be ready.  div style="color:#000000;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;