Indie Books

Indie Books #104 (Harris Gray)



Tune in and join me as I welcome this week's guests. It's our 2nd Anniversary and Harris Gray will be here this week to talk about the Vampire Vic trilogy. The second installment, Vampire Vic2: Morbius Reborn, was just released!The series focuses on Victor Barton Thetherson. He has a self-esteem problem. His ex-wife bullies him. He is manager in a construction accounting firm, yet his staff makes fun of him.  His teenaged daughter pretends not to know him.  Moreover, she's not above finding fake fathers to act on his behalf and it seems as if nothing is going well in his life. Oh yeah - he's also a vampire.The trilogy is heavy on plot with big shockers and cruel twists driven by hilariously interesting characters. With our without fangs, they're characters you can really envision in day-to-day life and the co-authors have introduced a spin on Vampires that's unlike any other you've come across.For more information: