Stephen J. Kosmyna

Mood: Cause or Effect?



"This is an age in which the mood decides the fortunes of people rather than the fortune decide the mood." - Winston Churchill "People regard their moods far too much as effects and not sufficiently as causes. Moods are imaginal activities without which no creation is possible. We say that we are happy because we have achieved our goal; we do not realize that the process works equally well in the reverse direction - that we shall achieve our goal because we have assumed the happy feeling of the wish fulfilled." - Neville Goddard Most of us don't realize that moods work both ways. In today's episode you'll find an invitation to again become the observer and see how we often give away our power to what's going on on the outside. This robs us of the mood we would really prefer to be in, the one which is positive and creative. Rather than allowing our moods to be directed by the ebb and flow of life and outer conditions, circumstances and events; we'll learn today how to consciously and intentionally choose our