Stephen J. Kosmyna

Purging Personal and Professional Paradigms



Most of us don't realize that at least 95% of our behavior, our action and reaction, and feeling is habitual. Paradigms are a multitude of habits that have almost exclusive control over just about everything we do. You could say these paradigms are our programming. If we would slow down and look at our day, we would certainly be able to identify action and activity that is non-supportive of the results we would really love to experience in our lives. It might be a real good idea to actually do this if you don't like what has been showing up on a regular basis. Your habits are bringing you what you are receiving as conditions, circumstances and results in your business and personal life. Change the habits, change the results. Today I talk about purging the undesirable paradigms. I also share a way to install some new, more efficient programming that's in alignment with our personal and professional goals. Give a listen then reach out and schedule a free consultation. Dr. Koz (and effect!) Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyn