Stephen J. Kosmyna

Mindlessness to Mindfulness



It's time to slow down and get fully engaged with this present moment. We really have to ask ourselves; are we sleepwalking through life? Most people are moving through life as unconscious competents. We begin our day and we unconsciously set everything on autopilot, we engage the cruise control and stumble mindlessly through the day. If we engage with any of our thoughts at all, it's either about re-living some past memory and yesterday's experience or spending time in a future that doesn't exist. Looking backwards we often invite depression to come sit with us as we reminisce about days gone by. Ceaselessly engaged with what's coming, it's often from a position of worry, doubt, fear and anxiety. What we have as life's greatest gift is this eternal moment of now. This is where great things fashion themselves. We must move through are days consciously aware and awake, fully present to every moment. Dr. Roger Walsh in his book "Essential Spirituality" says, "Mindfulness has five benefits. It enhances our aware