Stephen J. Kosmyna

YOU Are the Center of It All



Where are you locating your center? During this time that is challenging for so many people, it's very important for each and everyone of us to stand back from our lives at take a look at them as an outside observer. Being objective, the first question we must ask ourselves is 'Where am I locating my center?' Am I centered in something outside of myself like the daily news, the current events, the conditions in my community, my country and the world; my worries and fears? Are we giving power to something other than what we are? There can be only one center in your life and that is you! Today I examine some of the words of Thomas Troward. Specifically when he says, "We can never get away from ourselves as the center of our own universe, and the sooner we clearly understand this the better. There is really no energy in our universe but what emanates from ourselves in the first instance, and the power which appears to reside in our surroundings is derived entirely from our own mind." Please listen in to today