Tuff Love With Robert Kandell

141: Time to be an Adult: Time to be a Kid



In the news this week, a 30-year old man moves out of his parent’s house after they took him to court. He had lived there for eight years with no signs of ever leaving. He said that there were never any expectations of him to pay rent, contribute to the household, or even clean. A report came out in December 2016 saying there are more millennials living with parents, relatives, grandparents, or step parents now than living on their own. There’s upwards of 40% of young adults living at home. It’s time for men to grow up. On the flip side, there are people like me who have thought they were adult since I was fourteen years old. I say this not to brag because I feel the intensity of not being able to slow down, be kind to myself, and enjoy the simpler things in life. Things just tend to be serious with me all the time. When is it time to be an adult and time to be a kid? In this show, we discuss both sides of the equation.   Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! Here’s H