Tuff Love With Robert Kandell

082: My Love/Hate Relationship with Social Media



There are 61 social media apps present today and leading them are Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and a handful others. Social media and the addiction to it actually started with Friendster and MySpace back in 2004, but it was Facebook that really put the social in social media. Are you one of the many who check their phones in the morning not for the email but for the likes you get from last night’s post? If you are, then that’s perfectly normal because that’s the culture that we live in today. But the thing is, as we feel connected, we also look disconnected. We go to restaurants and take pictures of the food first before we eat just so we can let everyone know we are eating something fancy. Learn how we should be conscious of the experiences around us while still being able to connect to the rest of the world.   Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! Here’s How » Join the Tuff Love Community today: robertkandell.com Tuff Love Facebook Tuff Love Instagram Tuff Love