Tuff Love With Robert Kandell

079: Drop your Ego, Meet Women w/ Ryan Black



Welcome back to Tuff Love with Rob Kandell. The guest on today’s show is Ryan Black and he’s here to talk about talking to women, lowering your ego and improving all of your relationships. Ryan Black is the Chief Marketing Officer and Marketing Director of Sasha Dating Systems. He is UK’s highest paid Direct DayGame Coach, he has 6 years experience in the industry, is an alumni speaker of the 21 Convention and a co-founder of the Infinite Man Summit. Reading his bio, you might have some bias, as Rob did, stemming from what you know of the seduction community. Suspend your bias, listen to the story of how Ryan got to this position and you will be able to learn from his story and his wisdom.   Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! Here’s How » Join the Tuff Love Community today: robertkandell.com Tuff Love Facebook Tuff Love Instagram Tuff Love YouTube Tuff Love LinkedIn