Tuff Love With Robert Kandell

078: What do you do when your partner is DISTRACTED?



Welcome to another episode of Tuff Love, with Rob Kandell. This is episode 78, and it’s a very personal show today. This episode is about Rob’s thoughts and feelings about a new experience he’s having in his life and relationship. Tuff love has to be talking about the things that are uncomfortable to talk about. We are dynamic human beings and every time we don’t relay the truth and hold something inside that’s bugging us, it creates distance in relationships. This episode is about exactly that, and it’s so close to home that Rob knew he had to do this show. Rob’s relationship with Morgan is so good, and he likes to brag about it. But it’s also challenging because unlike in previous relationships, everything that arises between them has to be talked about. The current experience has to do with distraction and feeling ignored or abandoned. The storyline is that Rob was away for a business trip, and then when he got back the two kids got really sick over successive days. Add to this a birthday party and Morgan