Tuff Love With Robert Kandell

067: A Man’s Ego



Welcome back to Tuff Love with Rob Kandell. This show is about a very interesting topic and that is the concept of the male ego. To start off the show, Rob wants to remind everybody: we are bad asses! He is a very healthy male with a very healthy, large ego. Rob’s ego serves him and the universe well because he has worked on it. But he didn’t always have such a strong ego. Rob had a lot of negative viewpoints about himself growing up. An overweight kid with low self-esteem, he used a lot of techniques and tactics to look for external approval. There was always a chase to like himself. A lot of people live in this world where they don’t love themselves. If that’s you, then that’s something to look at and explore. To move around in this world in a healthy manner is extremely important. If you don’t have a strong ego, then you’re looking externally for validation. That’s where everything fucked up begins because on some level you’re looking for external sources to feel good about yourself.   Love the show?