Tuff Love With Robert Kandell

060: How to Flirt



Welcome back to Tuff Love, with Rob Kandell. This show is on one of Rob’s favorite topics: how to flirt! This show is about being truthful and real, and if something happens that affects the show, Rob will talk about it. So a small caveat to this episode is that he is feeling a little down today due to a conversation about this very topic with Morgan. Rob has found that there are Perils of Flirting. One of which is that other people will be affected. Rob has an open, honest relationship with Morgan. The concept that Rob has talked about many times on the show is that withholding is lying. When you withhold information, you lie. So Rob has an agreement with Morgan to discuss the people he flirts with. Recently he started flirting with somebody and Morgan got triggered. Then her trigger hit Rob’s trigger.   Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! Here’s How » Join the Tuff Love Community today: robertkandell.com Tuff Love Facebook Tuff Love Instagram Tuff Love YouTube Tuff Lo