Tuff Love With Robert Kandell

052: The Foundation of Self-Love



Welcome back to Tuff Love with your host, Rob Kandell. In this episode, Rob is dealing with the emotion of his father being in the hospital. He had a small stroke the day before this episode was recorded. Rob’s Dad has been an ox in terms of his health for Rob’s whole life. He’s been solid and strong, and the first time he’s in hospital. You can prepare as much as you like but life still happens, that’s the beauty of it. This experience ties in to the topic of the show, which is self-love. Believe in yourself every single day. Every moment of your life is totally valuable and if you don’t treat every single moment as valuable, and just think ‘I’ll do it tomorrow’, that tomorrow may not come.   Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! Here’s How » Join the Tuff Love Community today: robertkandell.com Tuff Love Facebook Tuff Love Instagram Tuff Love YouTube Tuff Love LinkedIn