Beyond The Wall

Beyond The Wall Episode 26 Chateau Autiste Futurism



Hello goys and welcome back to another installment of your favorite taco podcast, Beyond the Wall. In this episode we go back to our roots, to the very humble beginnings of this shit show we dare call a podcast and we got in touch with Toastergoy a.k.a. the gringo autiste from our very first episode and we get up to speed with our dear friend and also we got Scrungo back and he got married to his 3D waifu... that very same day and we got to speak to both husband and wife. Press F for Scrungo(just kidding!).So buckle up for a bumpy ride since this is going to be a sperg out of a show.In the Taco Stand we have: Cavernario, Tercio and Paul; Special Guests: Toastergoy, Scrungo Scrungo and Scrungo's newly wed wife... on their wedding night.Be sure to check out Toastergoy's podcast.You can find us at twitter, Facebook or you can send us an email or shekels via Paypal to, we appreciate your donations and we wish to remind our patrons that all of our donations are going to Beto's Arepas fund.