Beyond The Wall

Beyond The Wall Episode 20 With Juan El Pepperoni Monoxido



What's up goys and welcome to the paranormie... Just kidding!, you're in the taco stand and with us we have a very special guest, Mr. Pepperoni himself, Johnny Monoxide from The Paranormies Present fame, and of course we're going to argue for two hours to see which is the better foodz and settle it once and for all, Taco or Cannoli!!!... thats it, thats the entire show... Enjoy!Gotcha again!, right?. On a more serious note[>Implying that is even possible for this show], we tackle the ancient mystery of what the hell are the elongated skulls found all over the world and their possible origins, but specially those found in Peru from a tribe known as the Paracas. Rather than going into the strenuous labor of trying to explain to you what all of this means, I´m going to make my life easier by leaving a whole bunch of links to those that are willing to dive into the subject at hand. Beware tho!, a lot of strange shit is found on those links. Don't say I didn't warn you, this might pique your autism.(links are foun