Beyond The Wall

Beyond the Wall Episode 9 with Matthew Heimbach/Free Range Meth



Interview with Matthew Heimbach from Traditionalist Workers Party and Traditionalist Youth Network.01:56 - What’s up with Chávez?02:50 - Political nationalism sympathises withall strategic enemies of Globalism.04:09 - At least he did some stuff that pissedthe kikes off.04:55 - But he was no real nationalist, justanother nose thumper. And handed Venezuela to the kikes. Whites were estrangedfrom the Venezuelan identity after Chávez, since there was not much left toidentify with.08:33 - Achtung! Maduro is a kike!10:13 - In the grand scheme of things, Chávezcaused more harm than good to the nationalist cause.11:08 — Nationalists should engage in civicdialogue.11:10 - We fight against the most evilenemy in history, so we must be ready to associate with unlikely partners.11:50 - Anti-Imperial American ’nationalist’Marxists are controlled opposition on steroids. No recognition of the value ofwork, but rather victim mentality and tactical scapegoating.— 00:13:00 — Marxist-influenced victimmindsets— 00:15:00 — Nation