Beyond The Wall

Beyond the Wall Episode 5: Cavernario and Musonius Rufus



Hello Goys, we are here back again with an interview with Mussonius Rufus, this was uploaded to Archive back in November, but due to probably absolute ridiculous Time Preference and Agency issues this wasn't uploaded on time. Our deep apologies to Mussonius, and to you our audience.Join us on this interview were Musonius and I, Cavernario, speak about the South, differences in Catholicism and Protentatism, the Masons and how they are a group that is conservative, somehow, and how institutions that are not local or work against tradition, even if they work for it elsewhere should be destroyed.Buen día mis amigos gentiles. Estamos devuelta en beyond the wall y esta vez tenemos el orgullo de presentarle4s una larga entrevista hecha a Mussonius Rufus de Rebel Yell. En la entrevista hablamos de diferencias entre Catolicismo y Protestantismo, instituciones que promueven conservar nuestras tradiciones, los masones, entre otros muchos temas. Espero sea de su agrado.Musonius Rufus is a Southern Nationalist. He is Chri