Natalie Sisson's Quest For Freedom - Experiments In Personal, Financial, Physical, Business, Relationship And Financial Freed

EPS 102: They Came, They Launched an Online Course, They Conquered - A Tell-All



Owning a digital course business is the single most powerful and exciting way to make an impact in the world while growing your income. Just imagine this: you create something once. You put in the work. You invest. And pays you for the rest of your life.Yet, if you’re reading this, you’re likely just thinking about how to create your first online course, let alone turning this into an online business, right?!My guests in today’s episode of the UNTAPPED podcast are course-creating goddesses who were thinking the exact same thing. Fast forward 60 days and they had pre-sold their first ever online courses and were on their way to launching. This is the beauty of starting your course: that single idea can give you a TON of flexibility in terms of content creation, so long as it's based on what your clients need.And I find that fascinating. It's like, the number of courses you could create over time is never- ending, and that means your potential for income is almost infinite!Online courses can