Setting The Captives Free -

Setting The Captives Free - The Power of The One You Seek!



Setting The Captives Free - The Power of The One You Seek!Topic :The Power of The One You Seek!Scripture Matthew 6:33Thoughts: I used to love to play hide and seek. It was one of my favorite games to play as a child. As I grew up and learned more about Jesus I realize he doesn’t want to play that game with me. We must make sure that we are seeking the right things. We must not get caught up in our pride or our intellect. But remembering the benefits of Putting God first in everything. If we find a way to do that the benefits are priceless. Amen!Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this podcast are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Storm Talk 365 Radio, any of the affiliates or concerned parties represented by the network.Tags: settingthecaptivesfree ministerraleighthornton stormtalk365 religion spiritualwarfare spirituality religion christianity talkshow