Setting The Captives Free -

Setting The Captives Free - Blessed Are You, Keep Walking!”



Setting The Captives Free - Blessed Are You, Keep Walking!”Topic: Blessed Are You, Keep Walking!”Scripture: Psalms 1st chapterThis week: The Man Of God is challenging us to be the difference in the earth. We are all facing the changes and transitions of life. When life punches you in the chest we must strengthen our faith. That faith must allow us to keep pressing toward our blessing!! Keep walking thru The adversities Of life. Life belongs to the one that decides to live it!!! God bless!!Setting The Captives Free is a podcast like no other. God allowed me to go thru a 27-year wilderness experience. Thru my trials and tribulations, I have developed a non-judgemental spirit. God has challenged me to love all to preach to all and if I do that, he will save all!! information, content, and music provided solely for general information, reference and entertainment purposes only. No copyrights infringements