Setting The Captives Free -

Setting The Captives Free - “ God Don’t Want Your Leftovers!”



Setting The Captives Free - “ God Don’t Want Your Leftovers!!”Topic: “ God Don’t Want Your Leftovers!!”Scripture Exodus 32:1-14This week: The Man Of God is giving us a word of warning. We must consider our time spent with the Lord. In the 10 Commandments, one of them is Val shout have no other gods before me. How many of us really honor that commitment? We Live our lives based on what we think is important. We must begin to realize how important God is to our everyday life. The most beneficial part of Christianity is the believer's personal relationship with God. All God wants is to first make sure you allow God to be first in your life. Amen.Setting The Captives Free is a podcast like no other. God allowed me to go thru a 27-year wilderness experience. Thru my trials and tribulations, I have developed a non-judgemental spirit. God has challenged me to love all to preach to all and if I do that, he will save all!!