Liquid Church

How To Discern Prophetic Dreams From God | Part 3: Dream Again



Has God ever spoken to you through a dream? For some, this is a way God speaks to you regularly. For the rest of us, this sounds weird. However, throughout the Bible we do see God gives prophetic dreams and visions to many of His children, including Joseph in Genesis and Paul in Acts. If prophetic dreams are an area of your faith journey that is unfamiliar to you, listen to this message from Part 3 of Liquid Church’s “Dream Again” series to learn the basics. Whether God gives you a prophetic dream or another person speaks a word over you from a dream or vision, we believe that God can still move through dreams today. In this message, Pastor Nithin Thompson explains three reasons why God gives prophetic dreams and words from Himself to His children, and provides four guardrails to help us discern whether a dream is a prophetic word from God, or just a normal, everyday dream. When it comes to prophecy and prophetic dreams, remember that the Holy Spirit is at the center. God speaks into our lives through prayer