
Suzy Manning 01-08-2014



Suzy Manning is the CEO of Suzy Manning, “helping women gain purpose, empowerment, and inner peace at midlife”. She is an insightful mentor, an inspirational speaker, thought-provoking author, and savvy radio show host. Her expertise is helping female business owners and entrepreneurs discover their life purpose so they can live with clarity and passion. Her process helps women create a solid unshakable foundation within them to design lives and businesses from inspiration, inner wisdom, and a place of service. She holds a Master’s degree in Agency Counseling from Siena Heights University. Continual immersion in her own self-growth and evolution allows her to connect with others with authenticity and impeccability. Her studies have included shamanism, reiki, massage, enlightened warrior training, train the trainer, millionaire mind intensives, investment and business building, inner wealth creation, and 4T prosperity. I grew up in a patriarchal family where my career options were limited as a woman