Heart Filled Holidays

Managing Emotions - BB Crawford, creator of the Emotional Self Sufficiency workshop, interviewed by Sandy Fowler on Heart Filled Holidays Radio, February 23



Today is the day we are going to save you time and energy - two things everyone wants more of! February is National Time Management month so we're taking a look at time management practices and busting 3 of the biggest myths. Then we're taking on our emotions. BB Crawford is joining us to talk about our emotions. She'll show us what causes our stress and anxiety and why we sometimes lose control. We'll talk about what's going on and what you can do about it. In Christmas Corner we're continuing our Debt-Free Holiday series with some more ideas for adding money to your Christmas fund. Then we'll talk travel. The holidays encompass some of the busiest travel days of the year so every little tip that makes those better gets us a little closer to some Christmas joy. Join us at noon ET (11am CT, 10am MT, 9am PT) on www.radio.heartfilledholidays.com