Heart Filled Holidays

The Truth about New Year Resolutions – Beth Buelow and Lisa Giruzzi interviewed by Sandy Fowler on Heart Filled Holidays Radio, December 29



The New Year is right around the corner and it gives us another reason to celebrate. So if you’re hosting a party with multiple generations be sure to tune in for five ways to bridge the gap and keep everyone entertained. Then, as you begin to evaluate your life and shift things so it's going the direction you want you might be ready to make some New Year Resolutions. But those pesky resolutions can be so elusive. You stress over creating them then struggle through making them happen. So should you even do it? Is it worth it? Guests Beth Buelow and Lisa Giruzzi join share their wisdom for creating real change in your life. And in Christmas Corner we're talking about handling the financial side of Christmas, kicking off with the most important thing you need to do when dealing with the Christmas bills. Join us at noon ET (11am CT, 10am MT, 9am PT) on www.radio.heartfilledholidays.com