Heart Filled Holidays

Successful Date Night - Dr. Sherrie Campbell interviewed by Sandy Fowler on Heart Filled Holidays Radio, December 8



Family life is amazing but it can be hectic and crazy so today we're looking at some helpful hints and tips for staying safe and sane as you go about your days. We'll talk about having fun at family functions, a simple strategy for making life easier and we'll also share some tips for avoiding common scams. Then we're chatting with Dr. Sherrie Campbell as she gives us help in creating a great date night. She'll share her 7 tips for a successful date night. I know December is crazy busy with preparing for Christmas and date night sounds like a far off dream. Well, Christmas is going to be here before you know it and the last week of December is a perfect time to have a date night. It's a chance to reconnect after a busy time. Then, in Christmas Corner, we're continuing with our Elf on the Shelf ideas and following that up with some tips for keeping your home company-ready. Join us at noon ET (11am CT, 10am MT, 9am PT) on www.radio.heartfilledholidays.com