Heart Filled Holidays

Build Your Child's Character with Gratitude - Mary O'Donohue interviewed by Sandy Fowler on Heart Filled Holidays Radio, November 24



On today's show we're kicking things off with a few ways to look younger. These are simple, anti-aging strategies that cost nothing but help us look younger and have healthier skin too. Then we're talking about gratitude. We're starting out the show with a gratitude activity you can do at Thanksgiving which also helps to strengthen family bonds. After that, we're chatting with Mary O'Donohue. Mary is the best-selling author of When You Say "Thank You," Mean It. This is not a book simply about gratitude, but rather a parenting book that helps us raise children with extraordinary character. Mary will share her philosophy along with some tips and ideas for raising wonderful children who become incredible adults. And we'll wrap things up in Christmas Corner with an important reminder about Black Friday deals as well as some insights on using your Christmas cards to create a better season.