Heart Filled Holidays

Living Our Dreams - Nancy Sathre-Vogul interviewed by Sandy Fowler



Today we're celebrating living our dreams and loving our family. We have Nancy Sathre-Vogul joining us to share her story about her family's journey. She, her husband and their two sons spent three years cycling over 17,000 miles. They learned about obstacles, challenges, togetherness, simplicity, ingenuity, and dreams. Today we'll learn from their story and be inspired by their example so we can live our dreams and love our families even more. Before our chat with Nancy I'll share a tasty dessert recipe and some tips for easy fall centerpieces. Plus I'll share a great quick cleaning tip for the kitchen. In Christmas Corner we'll continue our travel series with tips for more peaceful family car rides. No one likes to listen to crying, whining or choruses of "Are we there yet?" repeated ad nauseam. So we're sharing a few simple ideas and some family car games to help pass the time and make the ride more fun.