Heart Filled Holidays

Money Zone of Happiness - Jen Hemphill interviewed by Sandy Fowler



Money, happiness, time and health, all the big topics make an appearance on today's show. We'll kick things off with my secret for getting a hot, healthy breakfast on the table in minutes on school mornings. Plus we'll have a little chat about making life run smoother in your family with some tips for getting kids to take care of themselves and their things. It's something I learned the hard way and that I've heard advocated by parenting experts and parents of kids with ADHD. A simple trick that changed our home. Then Jen Hemphill joins us to talk about money. From finding your Money Zone of Happiness to media messages and retail therapy, she covers it all. She'll enlighten us with her insights and help us with her practical knowledge and tips for making your own financial life better. We'll wrap up in Christmas Corner with the third installment of our holiday travel series. We kicked off on 8-25-14 with tips for making time at the airport easier then continued on 9-1-14 with early planning tips that can sa