Heart Filled Holidays

Ban Busy - Back-to-School - Shawn Fink interviewed by Sandy Fowler



Today is our first back-to-school episode. We'll be talking to Shawn Fink from Abundant Momma about busyness. Shawn has been a guiding light when it comes to enjoying motherhood and loving our families. She encourages us to slow down and enjoy life. She's the author of the Ban Busy manifesto as well as the Savoring Slow workbook. She'll have tips and advice for creating a happier school year with more time for what you love. In addition to our chat with Shawn, we'll be sharing other back-to-school tips and covering other topics including teacher gifts and food allergies. Getting teacher gifts for back-to-school, Christmas and the end of the year can be taxing. We'll share some great ideas that make it easy. We even have ideas that get the kids involved. Then we'll have a quick look at food allergies. In spite of the fact that your child doesn't have allergies, you'll likely be dealing with them at your school. We'll wrap things up in Christmas Corner where we're talking about travel. I know you don't want t