Love & Light Live Crystal Healing Podcast

Imbolc & the Wheel of the Year



One way that I like to connect with the seasons and cycles of the earth is by tuning into The Wheel of the Year. As we approach Imbolc (here in the Northern Hemisphere), I’m reminded of all that the Wheel of the Year represents: the cycles of light and dark, and of the constant flow and unending cycle of all things from birth, growth, and death to rebirth.   The Wheel of the Year can help you tune into natural cycles (similar to the Lunar Phases - but on an annual scale rather than just monthly) and helps you internalize these outward changes in nature as reflections of the growth and evolution you experience in your own life. Living in harmony with the seasons and the ebb and flow of nature helps you to lead a more soulful life and to cultivate a deeper understanding of yourself on a soul level. The Wheel of the Year helps you recognize who you are and your role in the world around you. Learn more about the Wheel of the Year and Imbolc in my latest podcast! Tune in here…   So what is the Wheel of the Year?