Bible Thinker

20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 21)



Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference: 0:00 Introduction 1. 0:53 Recently, I've seen several of your videos dealing with The Passion Translation, and the criticism seems very much on point. Clearly, Brian Simmons is a bit of a nut and I think you'd agree that religions can attract those types of people. So, why would you assume Paul, or the authors of Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John weren't also nutty? At the very least you should be skeptical of their writings. Further, there is no way to go back and do the sort of analysis of those authors, the way you can with Simmons. For example, the review you do of Simmons' lectures, as opposed to simply having his Passion Translation, is very effective in demonstrating just how nutty he is. Nothing even close to that is possible with the biblical authors. So why give them credence? 2. 9:05 If Moses was God's chosen one, why did God want to kill him in Exodus 4: 24? Also, what did Zipporah mean by "Surely a bloody husband art thou to me"? 3. 14:00 Can you help me under