Semper Feisty With Usmc Life

Funny Under Fire with Travis Howze



We're looking forward to some big laughs with Former U.S. Marine, Police Officer and Firefighter turned National Headlining Comedian, Travis Howze protected America's citizens for over 14 years, and now he's making fun of them! Whether dodging bullets, chasing bad guys or running into burning buildings he is always Funny Under Fire!  Having appeared on NBC's Night Shift with Kevin Ferguson, Travis has also been Voted, Stand Up Comedy's Mouth of the South and Charleston, South Carolinas Funniest Person. He has also been referred to as The Military and Emergency Services Voice of Comedy.In addition to making fun of the general public he includes his own humility from being a Ludicrous Police Officer, being diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Military, Family, Married Life and more. In Travis's mind, his days of protecting are neither over, leaving no one safe nor anything off limits! His motto is simple "If you are able to laugh at someone else's pain and misfortunes, then you had better be able to l