Mystic Truth Radio

Ayurveda and the Art of Living, with guest Gina Rainwater



Please join host, Elaine Read-Cole, and special guest Gina Rainwater, Ayurveda Practitoner as they discuss daily rituals of wellbeing for the  season.With “Dinacarya” (Dina=daily and carya=routine),using “Snehana” (Sneha=oil) “Abhyanga” (abhy=to rub anga=limb)together they form the word for “Oil Massage”Other daily rituals (Dinacarya) like nasal irrigation (use of a Neti pot) , tonguescrapping, warm lemon water for improving digestion while gently detoxing the “Ama”(undigested food), oil pulling for oral heath and yoga.Dicussing nutritional choices for the winter season and the bodily constitutions ofVata, Pitta, Kapha.