

I love creating content. I really do. I enjoy it. And I’m good at it too.One of the questions I get a lot is, “How do you keep creating new content?”I have a little secret. Some of it isn’t new. Some of it is stuff that I have in my content bank and I just reuse. And that’s what you need to start doing too.There are so many ways that you can freshen up content that you already have and make it relevant. And I’m not just talking about content that you’ve created. I’m also talking about content that you’ve purchased or saved, that you can look at and be inspired by!Here’s the thing:You could very well be sitting on a goldmine of information that other people are just waiting to lap up. And they’re waiting to get it from you because you have a particular kind of joy and way of teaching, that is going to speak to a particular kind of person. Think about what you’ve got that you could turn into monetised content. Yes, you should get paid for all this amazingness! All the experience, time, effort, love an