Professional By Choice

Dealing with Adversity w/ Nick DiNardo



How do you deal with issues when the going gets tough? How do you deal with adversity? Today's guest is Nick DiNardo. Nick is the author of “The Game of Adversity” which revolves around 8 Practices To Turn Life's Toughest Moments Into Your Greatest Opportunities. Nick also has a podcast by the name of “The Sweet Adversity podcast” and Nick’s podcast aims to show that adversity is the catalyst for living a great life and accomplishing great things. In this episode, you will hear about: The 3 common traits Nick has noticed among highly successful people What brought Nick’s focus to Adversity How we should look at Adversity His favorite (and least favorite) whiskey You can keep track of Nick at his website: You can also subscribe to his Sweet Adversity Podcast: Intro/Outro Music: AShamaluevMusic