True Blue True Crime

The Tromp Family Mystery



This tale is about the Tromp family from the little eastern Melbourne suburb of Silvan and the interesting road trip the family of 5 went on back in 2016.On August the 30th 2016, police arrived at the family's 18 acre redcurrant farm to find, well, nothing. 51 year old Mark Tromp, his wife 53 year old Jacoba or Coby, and their 3 adult children - 29 yo Riana, 25 yo Mitchell, and 22 year old Ella, had simply vanished, with no clue as to why or where they might’ve gone.And as time went on, the police’s search for the family would yield even stranger results, results with questions which still remain unanswered to this day…Jon Shaun and Chloe as they discuss this bizarre road trip and the many swirling theories on the potential reasons behind it.Support the show on Patreon - - - includes our merch storeFacebook - - - truebluecrime@gmail.c