True Blue True Crime

The Silk-Miller Police Murders



18, July 1998. The Green Papaya Restaurant, Surrey Hills, Victoria.A dozen staff were closing up for the night in the safe suburban upper class neighbourhood in Melbourne’s East.Just as the restaurant owner, Leon Dong, had his staff clear the last plate of devoured lemon chicken from the tables, a pair of masked armed robbers stormed into the venue. The older of the two bandits, wearing a Richard Nixon mask, bellowed orders while waving a Smith and Wesson revolver around. The younger bandit, wearing a Ronald Reagan mask, bound the staff in the middle of the restaurant with filament tape.As Reagan scooped up their loot and wished the bound victims a nice day, the older Nixon, with his paunchy belly and white velcro tab runners turned back and said; ‘Tell the coppers Lucifer was here...'Join Shaun and Chloe in the second of a two-part episode discussing the tragic Silk-Miller police murders.Note: It's recommended listening to the previous episode on Bandali Debs before checking this one out.Support the show on